Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Buy this gold stock in the next 90 minutes

If you're not constantly watching the gold markets, you might be unaware ? but we're in the middle of a massive sell-off.
The thing is, my commodity expert, Kevin McElroy of Resource Prospector, called this sell-off a mere 90 minutes before it began on Tuesday morning at 11 am.
And now that gold is tumbling, the best gold stocks are selling for extremely cheap prices.
I don't think they'll stay this cheap for long. In fact, I believe a resumption of the bull market in gold could happen anytime in the next couple weeks -- but it could be days -- or even 90 minutes from now.
But I'm not in the business of picking tops and bottoms. The fact is, we got kind of lucky predicting this sell off in gold (well, okay a lot of research and analysis was behind our position that we had a quick sell-off coming soon, but the fact that it was just 90 minutes later was uncanny).
All I know is that gold stocks are selling for great bargains -- which means you should consider buying some very soon.
And I've worked closely with Tyler Laundon, one of our best analysts here at Wyatt Investment Research, to create a brief write-up on one of the safest gold stocks out there.
Why is it so safe? Well, it pays a 7% dividend, which means even if gold prices continue to fall, it has some dividend cover. People are less likely to sell a stock when it's paying a 7% annual yield.
If you're interested in this gold stock, read my write-up now by clicking here.

Posted 08-24-2011 4:09 PM by Ian Wyatt


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